Google Ads

Advertising in Google will find buyers anywhere - on the street, at home or in the office, at breakfast or at a party - your goods or service will see exactly those people who need them

Advertising in the search engine Google

Google is the largest search engine in the world. Google's advertising capabilities are colossal, and our experts know how to turn them into the profit of your site .Therefore, if you are not ready to lose customers, Google contextual advertising should become part of the site promotion in search nets. Moreover, it is the Google Internet Advertising with a relatively small budget that provides indicative results, attracting visitors to your target audience to the site.

Having experience working with various companies and types of activities of our customers, in many cases, we can already be oriented in preliminary consultations on possible budgets and results. We will analyze the specifics of your activity and help you choose the most effective type of advertising for your business. An urgent launch of an advertising campaign (for 1 - 2 business days) is possible.

Price - how much does Google advertising cost

We work with various budgets. As a rule, the minimum budget for advertising is: 5 € per day. For example, if the price of a click is 0.10 € for 5 € you will receive 50 transitions to your site, and for 10 € is already 100.

To whom the advertisement in the search engine is suitable

Contextual advertising in Google makes it possible to find exactly those customers who are ready to take a specific action: call, leave a request, order, visit and so on, that is, become, one way or another, your client. Therefore, contextual advertising in search for Google is suitable for almost every business. It will especially help the young business, because it makes it possible to get customers in the first days, after launching an advertising campaign.

Advantages of contextual advertising

  • The first calls appear on the day of launch.
  • You can always adjust the settings.
  • The advertiser himself determines the cost of the click.
  • Testing a campaign with a minimum budget.
  • The board is charged only for transitions to the site.
  • Attracting only targeted visitors.

Google contextual advertising is an unobtrusive tool for finding new customers.According to experts, it is useful for both businessmen and their potential customers. Sellers make a profit from target customers. And people find the necessary goods or service as soon as possible, saving time on visiting and studying many sites.

Remarketing on Google

In our service, we additionally connect remarketing advertising in Google. With it, you can show additional advertising offers to those users who have already visited your website or YouTube channel or even downloaded and worked with the application in Google Play. And if you download customer contacts, you will be able to show them special advertising with additional conditions or offers.

Google advertising effectiveness

Internet advertising of services, sales of goods through Google advertising, more than 40%, compared to other advertising channels, such as Facebook, Instagram.

It is profitable to work with us

Why should you order from us?


We are certified advertising specialists certified by Google.


We provide access to data where you can see in real time how the campaign goes.


The presence of programmers in the staff allow us to make ups for the best results.


How to order an advertisement for Google?

You can dull advertising in Google by contacting us through Email [email protected], or calling on the phone +37128244911

How much is advertising?

The price depends on your niche, the region, the goals of the advertising campaign. The cost of click (transition to the site) Google calculates on the basis of the auction price. To determine a more accurate price, please write to us

After what time will I get new visitors?

The first visitors will begin to visit your site in the coming days, after launching an advertising campaign. However, this does not mean that all visitors, without fail, will become your customers.

After your service, can I manage advertising myself?

Yes, sure. You will be transferred to an advertising account. Now you can continue the advertising campaign on your own and manage it.

How quickly will you launch an advertisement for Google?

It depends on your area of activity and goals of the advertising campaign. The launch of advertising is preceded by preparatory work. Usually, to launch an advertising campaign, from 3 to 7 days is required. It is also worth considering that the advertisements are moderated by Google during 3 days .

How to track the results?

To track the results, we recommend using analytical programs. The most convenient and free: Google Analytics.

Steps for the launch of advertising

Google advertising - process

реклама в гугл
реклама в поиске
Google Ads
Google AdWords